Is There Such a Thing As Healthy Anger?
Is There Such a Things As Healthy Anger? Do you remember being scolded by your parents as a child for getting upset or angry about something meaningful to you? Or what about a teacher reprimanding you due to your emotions running high because someone stole a favourite pencil
Have You Lost Your Identity Along the Way?
Have You Lost Your Identity Along the Way? We go through several identity stages from the moment we are born until adulthood. Our parents shape us into respectable individuals. When we begin school, we try to discover where we belong with our peers. We want to be grown
Are We Lonelier Now Due to Life’s Changes?
Are We Lonelier Now Due to Life’s Changes? Do you remember when family members often visited for no other reason but to spend time with you? Or you could call a friend or go to their house if you felt sad, and they’d be right there for you.
8 Known Ways to Better Your Health in Busy Times
8 Known Ways to Better Your Health in Busy Times Back in the 1980s and earlier, many of our moms were stay-at-home parents. Our friend’s parents had time to mingle and visit each other. Or we’d come home from school without multiple hours of homework. Sadly, though, the
When People Mistake Depression for Laziness
When People Mistake Depression for Laziness As difficult as life can be, the average person gets up daily, goes to work, or takes care of their children without a thought. It all comes naturally and is routine. But that is not the case for everyone. Many who suffer
How Does Mental Illness Really Affect Close and Personal Relationships?
How Does Mental Illness Really Affect Close and Personal Relationships? How Does Mental Illness Affects Relationships? Relationships are a mystery, whether you’re a sibling, parent, spouse, partner, or child. We have our good times and not-so-good times. We fight and then move on. We love or hate them.