Why Accepting Vulnerability Is So Important
Why Accepting Vulnerability Is So Important
We are all born vulnerable, yet we often associate it with fear, shame, and weakness and attempt to avoid it. Perhaps it’s learned behaviour, a feeling of failure, or a fear of rejection. But vulnerability is human nature. It’s basically about accepting who we and others are without trying to push it away. So, let’s discuss the topic further and learn how it can benefit us.
What is Vulnerability?
Vulnerability is an act of courage that allows us to be who we genuinely are without needing to please others. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable helps us break down emotional walls while encouraging others to do the same. It teaches us to be more forgiving and understanding and create better connections. In other words, telling someone you love them or apologizing by allowing yourself to be vulnerable will improve your relationships.
What Isn’t Vulnerability?
People often mistake vulnerability for weakness. However, it’s quite the opposite and shows strength. For example, talking to your boss about your mistake on the job takes bravery. In fact, it takes a humble person to admit one’s flaws, and most people appreciate honesty.
Vulnerability is not about winning or losing in a relationship but having the courage to stop trying to control the outcome. For instance, taking responsibility for a hurtful comment can improve trust and intimacy in the relationship.
What Are the Benefits of Vulnerability?
Opening oneself up to vulnerability can be challenging and frightening. Still, you might find it liberating once you push past the discomfort. Firstly, you don’t have to worry and wait for someone to expose you – e.g., about a mistake you made. Secondly, you might find yourself in the best place you’ve been with others by being your true self. So, what are the benefits of being vulnerable?
1. It builds better communication skills. Every relationship requires effective communication skills to prevent a breakdown. Otherwise, people find themselves repeatedly arguing over the same things. For example, suppose a partner avoids apologizing for fear of looking weak. In that case, it leaves the other partner feeling hurt or upset. Chances are, even the slightest disagreement the next time will bring up their former argument. Therefore, people must be willing to be vulnerable with others if they want to resolve their issues.
2. It teaches us compassion for others. Sensitive people are often more vulnerable than the average person. However, don’t mistake that for a bad thing. In other words, they are usually better listeners and more compassionate because they can easily recognise and understand others’ feelings. And most people want to feel heard and understood. Therefore, learning to have compassion for others is never too late.
3. It allows us to be ourselves. Many of us are afraid to be vulnerable. Still, that’s part of our identity. Plus, hiding behind our true emotions will prevent people from getting to know the real us. Now it won’t be easy to build a genuine relationship with anyone. So, the point is, we want people to like us for who we are.
4. It improves the quality of relationships. People often avoid being vulnerable in relationships for fear of possible consequences. For example, suppose a friend asks for your honest opinion about how they look in their outfit. But instead, you decide not to tell them you dislike it because you’re afraid to upset them. Unfortunately, that can create issues if they pick up on it. Therefore, being vulnerable can lead to a more honest and deeper connection.
5. It attracts more people. We tend to push people away and appear fake, distant, or shallow when we hide our vulnerabilities. In comparison, individuals who expose their vulnerabilities often appear more caring and confident, a quality many appreciate and find attractive. Therefore, you won’t know until you give it a shot.
Getting Past Vulnerability
Working through feelings of vulnerability can be challenging because we don’t always know where it stems. But it’s important to understand why we use avoidance or what triggers our fear. Perhaps it’s from our family life as children or peers who pressured us to act tougher. Or maybe we’re afraid of people getting to know us because we don’t like ourselves.
Part of being human is feeling vulnerable in certain situations. So, allow yourself to experience vulnerability; just don’t let it take over. Hopefully, you will learn to recognise it as a strength, not a weakness, through time.
Seek Support
Accepting one’s vulnerabilities isn’t easy, but you are not alone. Therefore, having someone who can relate to your issues and listen without judgment can make all the difference. One such place is Barty’s Adventures, where they hold special events and adventures to help men feel better about themselves by keeping active, thus improving mental health. Barty – We Are A Mental Health Initiative
Why Not Try Online Therapy?
Hopefully, these points could give some comfort, but sometimes just reading quotes isn’t enough. Online therapy can be a great option if you or a loved one is looking for more support.
Therapy through BetterHelp.com/Barty can be more affordable than traditional therapy and allows many options to communicate with your therapist from the comfort of your home. Most importantly, remember that it is okay not to be okay, and you are no less of a human for feeling your emotions and being vulnerable.
To receive 25% off your first month, head to BetterHelp.com/Barty
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